Keeping pupils and parents informed has always been an issue for schools. Particularly at times when everyone is on holiday during the summer, getting out that urgent message can involve a lot of extra work and administrative time. Creating a school app that helps keep everyone up to date, during term time and holidays has a number of distinct advantages, including:
- You can update on the move: No more bringing in bunches of admin staff to send out a message or taking up peoples’ time to call and contact parents, you can release an immediate notification that appears on smartphones and tablets at the same time. You can do this whether you are at home, in the office or on holiday.
- The most cost effective option: Think of all the admin time and energy, and money, that is spent on sending out messages in the normal run of things. The school app that works for all your parents and pupils is the perfect low cost solution to disseminating important information during the holidays.
- Overcoming the language problem: Many parents have a first language that isn’t English. With a dedicated app, they can choose the language they want their notifications sent in which means that everyone gets the message and can act accordingly. You don’t have to worry that they aren’t getting your message during the summer holidays.
- Only contact the parents you need to: There might be messages that are only relevant to parents with children in a particular year, at exam time for example. A school app allows you to categorise messages so that there isn’t the overload, something that often happens with text communications.
- Disseminating information and updates: Yes, you could rely on updating your website when new information is available. But how many parents check the school web pages during the summer holidays? Sending out notifications is more direct even if it is directing them to information on your site.
- People are busy: Another advantage is that people are pretty busy nowadays, especially over the summer holidays. Many parents both work and have to spend long hours making a living. The good news is that they also have smartphones and that’s a great way for updating people quickly and simply.
- It saves on updating parent details: If you’ve ever tried to send a text to a parent who has changed their phone number and not told you about it, then you’ll understand the frustration. With a school app, parents can quickly download it and don’t have to worry about changing their personal details or telling you about it.
- It’s more flexible: You can send many more different types of information via notifications including images and video, bigger documents such as timetables for the start of term and even newsletters, all of which makes your school app a whole lot more flexible.
- Impressing Ofsted: It might be last on the list for some, but improving communications between all the interested parties is part of what Ofsted looks for when they rate schools. Not only does a school app allow head teachers to stay in control of information but it also reduces the costs in time and money.
The next time your pupils, staff and parents go off on holiday, you can make it a whole lot easier to send them important information if you have a school app. It not only makes sense financially, it also allows you to tailor your provision and improve communications across the board.
Get in touch to arrange for a free demonstration.